Looking out my window this morning I see freshly fallen snow. Snow can be so beautiful with a pure white covering, obscuring a barren landscape of "naked" trees and "dead" grass. The sun brings out glistening highlights from the surface of the virgin snow. Long shadows of trees due to the low position of the sun create interesting areas to explore with your eye.
As beautiful as a fresh snow scene can be, the bottom line is: a snow scene is COLD! Don't get me wrong, I love living in an area where we have four distinct seasons and I love to enjoy, and photograph, the beauty each brings! However, I also love outside activities with the warmth of the sun that are better enjoyed in warmer seasons.
So, while enjoying the winter scene out my window, I decided to escape to a warmer climate and review some pictures I had taken this past summer while at the beach. I ran across this shot:
I was out very early one morning shooting around a pier that stretched out into the water. You can see some shots of the pier in my Beach and Tropical Gallery. I actually came to this spot two different mornings and the scene was much different each day due to differences in light due to a storm passing through one morning. As I was walking back up from the beach, I noticed this scene. The glow of the warm morning sky in the background against this grassy dune in the foreground caught my eye. This was not a planned shot of the morning, but one of those jewels that you just "happen" upon, which is one of the great things I love about landscape photography (see my Photography..."is like a box of chocolates" blog)!
I call this shot "Take Me There", because when I see a scene such as this, it just allows me to escape from whatever my current reality is for a while! This beach could be just about anywhere, so imagine your favorite beach when you see this shot and allow it to take "YOU" there!
Until next time...Happy Shooting!!